Our Works

Our clients range from UN agencies, bilateral donor agencies, NGOs, private sector companies, government projects and departments and local governments.

Some of the work we have done includes:

Our consultants have singly or collectively undertaken the following:

  • Water for People (in partnership with Kampala Capital City Authority) –
    Development of a communications Strategy for its Weyonje toilets Project in 16 parishes in 5 divisions of Kampala City

  • ILO: Framework for Labour Information & Analysis in Uganda

  • UNIDO:
    Developed plan for Documenting their success story in Uganda on their 20 the anniversary in the country (proposal)

  • UNDP;
    Documenting the contribution of UNDP to the fight against HIV/AIDS in Uganda since 1988

    Documenting and publishing in pictorial books the impact of UNICEF interventions of building social infrastructure (schools and health Centres)  in Acholi and Lango sub regions in northern Uganda. In total, COWI the building contractor supervisor built classrooms for 72 primary schools and 24 health centers in 6 districts. Our task was to capture and appropriately package the “before” and “after” situations of the infrastructure and the likely impacts the infrastructure turn-around on health and education in the 7 districts of northern Uganda. This was part of the US$5million work undertaken by UNICEF contracted to COWI, with funding from JICA (Japanese Agency for international Development).  

  • We have written, edited, designed and published corporate profiles for several construction companies such as Khalsa Development Ltd, Vampeco Ltd, among others.

  • The Network of Ugandan Researchers & Research Users (NURRU)-
    • We edited, designed and printed their  newsletter The Net Forum;
    • We designed, printed and published (including providing ISB numbers) for 20 research reports (monographs) –NURRU Working paper series
    • Extracted “Policy Briefs” from the main research reports, designed and printed them. We did 25 policy briefs from 25 research reports

  • Sustainability Watch
    • Wrote designed and published a daily Newspaper pull out for delegates during the Ramsar COP 9 meeting in 2005 in Kampala for advocacy
    • Writing Press releases and distributing them

  • Uganda National Association of AIDS Service Organizations (UNASO)
    • Reviewed and, edited, abridged research reports in preparation for publication. In all we handled 6 research reports: for Kasese and Kabarole districts; on HIV/AIDS Policy, Access to ARVs, Availability of support services to HIV + people. This project was supported by HIVOS and International Institute for Rural development
    • Edited their Annual report 2009